Next Events:-
Open to the Public
Mid June to Mid September (Wednesday - Sunday)
2pm -5pm
(last admission 4pm)
Admission £5.00 adults and £1.00 children
Parties can also be shown around by appointment throughout the year. Refreshments such as Tea/Coffee with Cake or Biscuits can be provided. To arrange a group visit please telephone the Almoner on 01342 323414 for more information or complete the Booking Form for Groups
The Chapel is available for small weddings.
Rooms are available to hire for parties or business functions.
The Warden, Sackville College,
High Street, East Grinstead,
West Sussex, RH19 3BX, UK
Tel: 01342 323414 Email:
Office Hours 9am-1pm
Registered Charity No. 220488
Spacious first floor Bedsit in seculded Sackville College with views over gardens and St Swithuns Church.
New carpets and newly installed fitted kitchen and bathroom.
Are you between 60-80, resident or have connections with the East Grinstead area.
Sackville College have a first floor bedsit available.
Please contact the Almoner on EG 323414 for further details.